Friday, April 29, 2011

I caught the attention of the paramedics right away. Three of them checked it out. They didn't want to pop it because of liability reasons so they gave me a needle. It didn't work, so I took a safety pin from my Bib and popped it myself. It was not a pretty sight, I actually made these guys flinch. Anyway they bandaged me up and here I am walking away from that.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mile 20

Here I am reaching Mile 20. I noticed something was wrong with my left foot. Since I didn't see my friend Eddie yet, I decided to pull over and check my foot on the curb only to discover a blister that took up a quarter size of my foot.

LA Marathon 2009

This is about my experience at the 2009 L.A. Marathon. It is dedicated to my friend, Bass Instructor and Coach Eddie Resto that helped me train for a year to prepare for it and that was there at mile 10 and mile 20 to aid me with a bag that contained Carbs for me to load up on and to change shoes and sox and anything else. He also took most of the pics.