Monday, May 9, 2011

At least I made it this far

I was thinking to myself, what was the point now, I may have to walk the rest of this race. But still I am going to finish it and I will have to use up energy to do that. At least I made it this far.


Finally up ahead I see Eddie waiting with the bag that had the Carbs for me to load up on.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The End?

I could'nt believe that it was going to end like this and what was worse is that I could not see Eddie yet. I thought that I had missed him for the second time because I zoomed through mile 10.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kiss a 3:30 Goodbye!

I had a 2:48 at mile 20 and my plan was to make a 3:30. Here I realized that I had to kiss that goodbye. So I was upset at myself.